
About Me
Stock Investment 101: An Introduction

As a young teen, I was always confused by the stock market reports, performance, and volatility. In high school, we were required to study it and do a mock investment in a real stock to see what happened along the way. The ups and downs never made a lot of sense to me back then, but when I decided I wanted to invest for real, I started studying trends and triggers. I created this site to help others explore business investment through stock market purchases. I hope that the information here empowers you to take on your first stock market investment and watch it grow.


Is Your Child Interested In Target Shooting? Here’s How To Purchase Rifles As His Or Her Shooting Skills Develop

14 March 2019
 Categories: Business, Blog

If your child has expressed an interest in target shooting, you may not know where to start. The best way to do it is to progress through a series of rifles that are suitable for your child's age and level of skill at target shooting. As an added bonus, this prevents you from paying for an expensive rifle at the outset — if your child doesn't enjoy target shooting, you don't want to find this out after you've spent hundreds of dollars on a rifle. Read More …

Monogrammed Stationary Subscriptions: Why You Need Them In Your Life!

14 March 2019
 Categories: Business, Blog

There are few things in this world as classy as a handwritten thank you card. For the most part, this is a lost art due to social media and the internet. Many young people these days are not even sending out thank you cards after big events with many gifts, such as a wedding or baby shower. Thankfully, there are many people who still love to show their gratitude, their thoughtfulness, and love to those around them. Read More …

About General Labor Jobs

14 March 2019
 Categories: Business, Blog

If you are looking for a job that you can obtain fairly easily and that will allow you to earn a wide range of income, depending on the type of job you get, then you want to consider a general labor job. If you aren't really sure what types of jobs would be considered to be general labor jobs, then this article can help. Here, you will learn about some of the common general labor jobs out there and learn a bit about some of the benefits and demands these jobs have. Read More …

Watch Other Players Live When You Use Chess Software

13 March 2019
 Categories: Business, Blog

When you're learning how to play chess online, there are a number of programs that allow you to log into your account and, instead of playing a game, quietly watch others playing live. Whether you settle in for a full game or just catch a few minutes of different games here and there, this concept can be hugely beneficial. While it might not seem to be as fun as actually playing against an opponent, you may soon decide to make watching live games a part of your online chess experience. Read More …

3 Great Tips When Buying Research Peptides For Pharmaceutical Testing

13 March 2019
 Categories: Business, Blog

Research peptides are valuable resources in the pharmaceutical field given their study applications. If you plan on buying some for your research operations, then these tips can ensure this transaction goes smoothly from start to finish.  Know What Peptide Type You Need Peptides have been used for quite some time to research many things for many different industries. As a result, there are now many research peptides you can purchase. However, not all research peptides have the same application. Read More …