2 Signs Your Vacuum Cleaner's Belt Is Stretched And Needs Replacing

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As a young teen, I was always confused by the stock market reports, performance, and volatility. In high school, we were required to study it and do a mock investment in a real stock to see what happened along the way. The ups and downs never made a lot of sense to me back then, but when I decided I wanted to invest for real, I started studying trends and triggers. I created this site to help others explore business investment through stock market purchases. I hope that the information here empowers you to take on your first stock market investment and watch it grow.


2 Signs Your Vacuum Cleaner's Belt Is Stretched And Needs Replacing

1 September 2020
 Categories: Business, Blog

Lately, while vacuuming your floors, you may have realized that your cleaner is only sporadically sucking up the dirt. While it is possible that your vacuum cleaner could be wearing down and needs a new motor, the problem could be caused by a stretched belt. If you suspect that this could be the case, look for the following signs that the belt is stretched and needs replacing.

1.  Vacuum Cleaner Will Alternate Between Being Quiet and Loud

One sign that your vacuum's belt has become stretched can be detected by listening to the cleaner while it is running. Normally, the sound coming from the motor and rotation of the brush will be consistent.

However, if the belt is stretched, you may find that the vacuum cleaner starts out as it normally sounds. However, you will find that you have periods when the vacuum gets quieter. Then, suddenly, the noise will become louder. You may even hear a squealing sound.

If the belt is stretched, it is no longer laying flush on the pulleys of the motor and brush. When it intermittently slips, the brush will either rotate slowly or not at all. This accounts for the quietness of the cleaner.

When the belt finally engages again, the noise will temporarily become louder as it attempts to take hold. When this happens, the chances of the belt breaking are dramatically increased.

2.  Brush Will Only Rotate Intermittently

Another way to tell whether or not your vacuum's belt is stretched and needs to be replaced is to look at the brush while the cleaner is running. Before plugging it in and turning it on, lay the vacuum on its side and locate the belt.

Once you have located the belt, press down on it to see if it is still in one piece. If so, plug in the cleaner, and turn it on.

Watch the brush to see if it is rotating. If the belt is stretched, it may only rotate part of the time. Or, it may be sluggish. During these periods of little to no rotation, see if the belt is still moving. If it is but the brushes are not, the belt is most likely stretched.

If your vacuum cleaner's belt is stretched, not only will it not clean your carpets as well as it should, but it will also only be a matter of time before the belt breaks. Instead of waiting for the breakage to happen, contact a business that offers products such as Hoover vacuum replacement parts to get a new belt that matches your particular model.