Tips For Driving With A Police Radar Detector
If you've picked up a few speeding tickets recently, you might be looking to fight back and reduce the chances of having it happen again. While driving slower will obviously help, sometimes the police set up a speed trap and you could get pulled over for only going 5 to 10 miles over the limit. That's where having a police radar detector could be a big help. A good detector will alert you when there might be police monitoring the area so you can stay fully aware of your speed and not inadvertently go over the limit. Here are some tips to keep in mind when using a detector.
Keep in Mind That Detectors Can't Protect You From Everything
As radar detectors have grown more popular, police have turned to other methods for catching speed demons. Some of these methods are not detectable by your new device. These methods include simply timing how long it takes your car to reach two different points or using a laser gun instead of radar that won't set off your detector.
To be clear, a radar detector may still be a good investment for you if there are a lot of speed traps in your area, but it's not an excuse to start driving like a crazy person just because you think you can't get caught. Push your luck too far and sooner or later someone is going to catch you.
Don't Put It Too High
Every radar detector will come with its own mounting instructions, but in general, you want to install your new detector on the dash or low on the windshield. If you put it too high, you will have zero chance of picking up a warning from a laser gun, which has a much smaller beam than what is let out by a radar gun. Mounting your new detector properly will ensure you maximize the amount of alerts you receive.
Read the Reviews
Police radar detectors have been around for a long time. Some have a proven track record while others may not be right for you. Before you make a final decision, take a deep dive into police radar detector product reviews to ensure you are getting a detector that can get the job done. If you notice that a particular detector has a lot of people complaining about still getting tickets, you may want to opt for a different product instead.
For more information on police radar detectors, reach out to an expert today.