Pros And Cons Of Having A Door That Separates Your Bedroom From Your Walk-In Closet
If you're remodeling your walk-in closet, one idea that you'll need to evaluate is whether or not you'll have a door that separates the master bedroom from the walk-in closet. A door is conventional in this situation, but many homeowners opt to remove the door that divides these two parts of the home. Before you make your decision about what to do with the door, here are some pros and cons about keeping the door.
Pro: It Offers Privacy
You might find that you prefer to get dressed in a private area where your spouse can't see you. When you have a door between the bedroom and walk-in closet, this is easy — provided that your spouse isn't in the closet with you at the same time, of course. Additionally, if you have children and conventionally keep your bedroom door open, being able to shut the door of the walk-in closet to get dressed without being interrupted is likely appealing for you.
Con: It Can Make Things Feel Smaller
Doors can often make rooms feel smaller, and in the case of a door between the master bedroom and the walk-in closet, the presence of the door may actually make both spaces feel a little tighter. If neither of these spaces is excessively large, you may not want to do anything that can contribute to the spaces feeling cramped. In this scenario, keeping the door off may feel better for you.
Pro: You Can Hide Clutter
Your walk-in closet might not always look like something out of an interior design, which can make having a door a good addition. When you haven't had a chance to tidy this space, and people are coming over to your home, you can simply close the door to the closet and know that your mess will stay private. This isn't possible when the opening is devoid of a door, and may be a concern if you live in a bungalow and your bedroom is in an area that people will walk past.
Con: You Miss Out On A Certain Ambiance
Having a walk-in closet without a door can add a certain ambiance when you're in your master bedroom. For example, if you have the walk-in space dimly lit and your shelves are tidy, lying in bed and seeing this space can add a night feel. If you want to keep the bedroom lights off, perhaps while you're watching TV at night, having the light gently shine from the walk-in can keep the room from being completely dark.
To learn more, reach out to companies like American Built In Closets.