Consider Mortarless Brick Siding When You Want a New Look For Your Home

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Stock Investment 101: An Introduction

As a young teen, I was always confused by the stock market reports, performance, and volatility. In high school, we were required to study it and do a mock investment in a real stock to see what happened along the way. The ups and downs never made a lot of sense to me back then, but when I decided I wanted to invest for real, I started studying trends and triggers. I created this site to help others explore business investment through stock market purchases. I hope that the information here empowers you to take on your first stock market investment and watch it grow.


Consider Mortarless Brick Siding When You Want a New Look For Your Home

7 March 2019
 Categories: Business, Blog

If you're looking for attractive siding for your home, you may want to consider brick. Brick has a classic look, and you can use it alone or in combination with another type of siding, such as vinyl, to create a custom look for your home. When you think of brick siding, you probably think about traditional brick and mortar installation, but you also have an alternative. You can buy bricks, such as Moderra bricks, that fit together and adhere to the wall with channels and brackets. Here's why you may want to choose these mortarless bricks for your home.

Installation Is Quicker and Less Expensive

Installation of these bricks is different from traditional bricks. No mortar is used at all. This makes the installation less labor-intensive and less expensive. To install these bricks, a metal strip is screwed to the wall and the bricks are attached to it so they're held securely in place. The bricks can then be stacked horizontally or vertically to the desired height. This method of installing brick siding requires less skill than traditional bricklaying, and that helps keep the cost low too.

Mortarless Bricks Can Be Installed in the Winter

When mortar is used to lay bricks, the weather and temperature conditions have to be just right. The temperature is not a concern with mortarless bricks. They can be installed in cold weather if necessary, and once they're in place they form a watertight barrier that protects your home from rain. This allows you to install siding on your home when it's convenient and not have delays due to dips in the outdoor temperature.

Problems with Crumbling Mortar Are Eliminated

Since no mortar is used with these bricks, you won't have worries about crumbling mortar in the years to come. Crumbling mortar needs prompt repairs from a skilled bricklayer so water doesn't leak in your home and so the structure remains sound. You can eliminate the need for these expensive repairs by using bricks that can be installed without mortar.

Even though these bricks don't need a skilled specialist to be installed like traditional brick and mortar siding, they are just as attractive and they are a good choice in siding for your home when you want something a little more appealing than basic vinyl planks. You can choose traditional red bricks, or you can also choose from other colors and types of stone for your siding to have an exterior look that matches the natural surroundings, neighborhood, and your home's architecture.

Contact a business that is a Moderra brick distributor for more information.