Does Hard Water Put You At Risk?

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Stock Investment 101: An Introduction

As a young teen, I was always confused by the stock market reports, performance, and volatility. In high school, we were required to study it and do a mock investment in a real stock to see what happened along the way. The ups and downs never made a lot of sense to me back then, but when I decided I wanted to invest for real, I started studying trends and triggers. I created this site to help others explore business investment through stock market purchases. I hope that the information here empowers you to take on your first stock market investment and watch it grow.


Does Hard Water Put You At Risk?

8 March 2019
 Categories: Business, Blog

Washing clothes in hard water weakens the fabric and taking a shower in this type of water stains tiles, so you can only imagine what might be going on with your body when you consume and bathe with hard water. You might be surprised to discover that you could be putting your hair and skin at risk.

Skin Irritation

The extra minerals in hard water alter the way soap and shampoo are broken down during the rinsing process. In a home with treated water, when a person rinses these products away, they dissolve in the water and flush away. However, in a house with hard water, the minerals prevent these products from breaking down entirely. As a result, a thin layer of scum, or residue, remains on the skin or scalp. Over time, the buildup will cause irritation that might surface in the form of itching, redness, and bumps. 

Skin Conditions

If you have a preexisting skin condition, such as eczema, hard water can make the situation worse. With eczema, it's essential that you keep your skin moisturized. However, when you have hard water, the minerals in the water will work against any moisturizing efforts you might have set in place. When your eczema-affected skin is too dry, the skin can crack, and in some instances, the cracks in the skin can lead to infection. To protect your skin, you likely find that you have to take extra measures to moisturize your skin, especially after a bath or shower. 

Hair Loss

Hard water on its own does not cause your hair to fall out; however, it can facilitate the process. Hair strands have a protective coating that runs down each shaft. The layer helps protect the hair from everyday elements. Hard water breaks down this coating and leaves the strands susceptible to damage. So, when you use heat styling tools, bleach your hair, or even fail to moisturize your hair regularly, without the protective coating your hair is more likely to break. 

Water Conditioning Can Protect You

Hard water has no place in your home, and fortunately, it's an issue you can eliminate, permanently. If you have concerns about hard water, water conditioning is a helpful solution. Water conditioning is a straining process that neutralizes water by removing impurities from the water's source. As a result, by the time the water flows through your home, the excessive minerals have been extracted, and the water is all around safer.

To learn more, contact a water conditioning professional.